The method of deciding the League Championship shall be as follows:
(a) The Match Secretary will present to the Executive Committee a recommended structure for the number of teams per Division and the format for the forth-coming season. This recommendation should be appropriate to the number of teams that have applied to enter the league programme. The Executive Committee will then either approve the recommendation of ask the Match Secretary to offer an alternative proposal for consideration.
(b) Teams from individual Clubs shall consist of 3 or more members who shall play matches consisting of 10 sets as follows:
(i) 9 sets of singles, each of 3 members of the 1 team shall play each of 3 members of the other team;
(ii) 1 set of doubles; any pair of the 1 team shall play any pair of the other team, the Home Team to nominate their doubles pairing before their opponents;
(iii) Each set shall consist of the best of 5 games under TTE ruling.
(C) (i) No player shall be obliged to appear in 2 consecutive sets unless a minimum of 5 minutes shall have elapsed between them.
(ii) The order of play shall be as follows: A v X, B v Y, C v Z, B v X, A v Z, C v Y, B v Z, C v X, A v Y, Doubles, where ABC are the home team and XYZ the visitors. The visiting Captain shall allocate the letters to both teams as they wish except that C or Z must be given to any player not present at the start of the match. Should a player not be present when required to play then the remainder of the match shall be played from the players present in the order decided by the opposing Captain.
(d) A team shall be credited with 1 match point for each set won; each such point shall count in the League table.
(e) Should the championship or runners-up position end in a tie then the team gaining most points in the matches directly between the teams concerned shall gain the award. If still equal then a play-off shall be arranged at a venue decided by the Executive Committee.
(f) The team having secured the highest number of points at the termination of the season, or having won a play-off shall be declared the champions of its division.
(g) All league fixtures shall be completed by the date specified by the Executive Committee.
(a) The names of players who win 75% or more of their league games shall be published in the next season’s handbook provided that they have played a minimum of 75% of the total number of league matches.
(b) Averages Awards. To be awarded lo the players who head the Divisions averages at the completion of the season, subject to certain conditions agreed by the Executive Committee (currently that they must play 75% or more of the total number of league games).
Division One - ‘D. W. Fletcher’ Trophy, Division Two. ‘Tacker O’Neil’ Trophy, Division Three- Mike Trembeth’ Trophy, Division Four- ‘Roy Furnace’ Trophy, Division Five- ‘Mitrem Trophy, Division Six- ‘Pete Leslie’ Trophy.
(c) “Esme Bazell” Trophy: To be awarded to the leading Lady player in the League at the completion of the season subject to conditions agreed by the Executive Committee. (Currently that she must have played 75% or more of the total number of league games).
(d) “Abbott Plate” To be awarded to the oldest fully registered player in the league (as shown in league records) who has played 33% or more of the total number of league matches.
(e) “AC. Ballard” Trophy and Global Sports” Trophy: To be awarded on merit to the Junior (Male and Female respectively) member of the Plymouth and District Table Tennis Club who in the opinion of the Executive Committee shows:
(i) The most improved all round playing ability;
(ii) An obvious interest in the League’s activities;
(iii) Sportsmanship;
(iv) Completion of Competitions.
(f) “Bill Bedwell Trophy”: To be awarded to an adult member playing in Division 3 or 4 in recognition of their sportsmanship and commitment to the Sport.
(g) “Stewart Rose Memorial’ Trophy: To be awarded to an adult member playing in Division 5 or below in recognition of their sportsmanship and commitment to the Sport.
(h) “Helen Wilkie” Cup: To be awarded to a predominantly Junior Team in the Lowest Division for their general conduct and sporting attitude.
(i) “Bob Stuckey” Trophy: To be awarded to the most outstanding new young league player.
(j) “Plymouth Sports Club” Trophy: To be awarded for administration service to Table Tennis.
(a) Where a club enters 2 or more teams they shall be identified as A, B, C, etc., or by subsidiary titles commencing with A, B, C, etc in order of merit. It is assumed that where a club has more than 1 team the highest ranked players will comprise the A team and the following 3 highest ranked players the B team etc. Where this procedure is disregarded and the Executive Committee deem such action against the best interest of the League Championship, the Executive Committee may take such action as thought necessary and subject it to the approval of the governing body.
(i) Where a team has specific sponsorship, a team can be called by its sponsors name but ranked within the club it represents to allow for players 'playing-up' for the same club.
(b) Where a club has more than 1 team, a player of a lower ranking team (except those notified to the club secretary by the match secretary for disregarding rule 3a above) may play a total of 5 league matches and 1 cup match for a higher ranking team, if a further match is played the player shall not be permitted to play again for the lower ranking team unless reinstatement is granted by the league. A player cannot play for a team other than their own in the same division if that player has a higher personal average than the player they wish to replace. Where the higher team has more than 3 registered players this shall be applied to the lowest averaged player of those not playing excluding temporary players.
(c) A player asking to play for a team in a lower division cannot play up again for a team in a higher division for the remainder of the season.
(a) Unless the Executive Committee decides otherwise the Knock-Out Cups will be held annually and all teams will be entered for their respective events.
(b) Match procedure shall be as for the League Championships (see rule 1). In the event of a draw (5-5) an extra set of doubles shall be played as a decider. The same pair shall not play in both sets.
(c) Should a result card not be received within the time allowed (see Rule 11) then the away team shall proceed to the next round irrespective of the match result.
(d) In all rounds up to the final, matches shall be played according to the draw, on teams’ own tables. The venue for the final shall be decided by the Executive Committee.
(e) In the final, the order of play as laid down in Rule 1 (C) (ii) shall apply, with the two doubles events last. The two Captains shall toss to decide which team be ABC or XYZ. On completion of this they will retire and write on a piece of paper the names of their team against allotted letters which they will pass to the referee who will then set the order of play for the singles. If required, their 1st doubles pairings will be submitted, on paper, to the referee at the conclusion of the singles play and the second pairings (if required) at the conclusion of the first doubles.
(f) In the event of a non-appearance of a team, the team offended against shall be awarded the match.
(g) No player shall be permitted to represent more than oneteam in the same competition.
(h)…..Service shall be in blocks of 5 rather than 2. Each set consists of 2 games to 25 points (games finish with first player/pair reaching 25). All points including Handicap are added up per team and the team with the most points are declared the winners. If points are level after all the sets have been played one deciding point will be played to be served by the team receiving the handicap (as if the game had continued). If neither team receives a handicap the point will be served by the team who should be serving next (as if the game had continued).
(a) A Knock-Out Cup competition shall be held annually and shall be open to Ladies Club Teams in membership with the Plymouth and District Table Tennis club.
(b) Rules governing the competition shall correspond to those controlling the “Evening Herald” Cup competition, “Roborough” Trophy, “Cyril Evans” Memorial Cup and “MM. Woolland” Cup.
(a) The “Roborough” Trophy for Senior club Pairs shall be competed for annually and shall be open to all members playing in the League Championships.
(b) The “Cyril Evans” Memorial Cup for Junior Club Pairs shall be competed for annually and shall be open to all members playing the in the League Championship who are under 17 on 1st July previous to the competition. A player with no available partner may apply to the Executive Committee who will if possible allocate him/her one.
(c) The “M.M. Woolland” Cup for Women’s’ Club Pairs be competed for annually and shall be open to Women.
(d) The “Handicap Pairs” Competition shall be competed for annually and shall be open to all members playing in the League Championships.
(e) Pairs shall be unchanged throughout the competition.
(f) A match consists of 4 sets of singles (each pair playing each of the other) and 1 set of doubles.
(g) The order of play shall be (1) A v X (2) B v Y (3) Doubles (4) A v Y (5) B v X. The visiting Captain shall allocate players to letters for both pairs.
(h) Rules governing the competition shall correspond where applicable to those controlling the League Championships.
Unless the Executive Committee decides otherwise Plymouth Closed Championship Competitions shall be held annually.
(a) Entries shall be restricted to registered Plymouth and District Table Tennis Club members who have played a minimum of 4 League or Cup matches in the current season. Temporarily registered players do not qualify.
(b) Registered Members of the Plymouth and District Table Tennis Club not fulfilling the above requirements may be permitted to enter at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
(c) A Player may enter any number of competitions for which they are qualified.
(d) All competitions shall be played at venues selected by the Executive Committee.
(e) “Seedings” of the draw may or may not be carried out at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
(f) Competitors for the Junior Boys and Girls Singles Championships shall be under 18 on 31st December previous to the competition.
(g) Competitors for the Cadet Boys and Girls Singles Championships shall be under 15 on 31st December previous to the competition.
(h) Competitors for the Veterans Singles Competition shall be over 40 on 31st December previous to the competition.
(i) Competitors for the Super Veterans Singles Competition shall be over 50 on 31st December previous to the competition.
(j) In order to promote the sport of Table Tennis, the Executive Committee may allow junior boys and girls who are not members of the Club to play in the Championships providing they live in the Plymouth area and do not play in any other league.
At least 3 lights, each a minimum of 150 watts and all suitably shaded to be in use. 1 light over the centre of the table, the remainder to be equal distance but not less than 5ft or more than 6ft 6ins apart. The centre light to be not less than 8ft nor more than 9ft from the floor to the edge of the shade, all others to be not less than 9ft nor more than 10ft. Clubs not able to comply with these conditions owing to structure difficulties must apply in writing to the Executive Committee for exemption before the commencement of the playing season.
(a) A player shall not be eligible to play in a match until their registration (on the prescribed form) has been acknowledged by the Match Secretary.
(b) A player may not register for more than 1 team at any one time.
(c) A minimum of 3 players shall be registered for a team prior to commencement of the season.
(d) Clubs experiencing difficulties may apply for temporary registration at a reduced fee (see Rule 17(b)), this will apply for 5 matches only.
(e) If a 6th match is played then the full registration fee becomes due.
(f) Players registered on a temporary basis may not enter the Plymouth Closed Championships (except in case of Rule 7(b)).
(g) Should a team withdraw from the League after the first Governing Body meeting, then the registered players of that team shall not be permitted to play for any other team that season unless an appeal by the players is upheld by the Executive Committee.
(h) The Executive Committee shall have the right to refuse or cancel the registration of a player in any division (responsible officer of the club making the application to be notified).
Players shall be permitted to transfer from one club to another by obtaining the agreement of the Match Secretary to whom written consent of both clubs shall be produced.
A result card (either Card or Electronic) shall be forwarded to reach the Match Secretary within 4 days, excluding Sundays, of the match being completed and the Card must be signed by a representative of each team. If an electronic scorecard is to be sent to the Match Secretary then the opposing teams are to countersign each other’s Match Scorebooks. Should it not be received then the appropriate fine shall be imposed. If the scorecard is not received within a further 3 days then the appropriate fine for a late card shall be doubled and the home team shall receive no points in respect of the match concerned: the away team shall receive the points which they gained provided that they forward a copy of the result if requested. On the first occasion only each season, after the 4 days, the Match Secretary shall have a direct approach to the home team to request that the card or a copy be sent. A copy of the scorecard must be kept in book form by each team.
(a) A home team desiring to postpone a match shall be within their rights to do so providing that their opponents receive a clear 2 days notice. At least 3 alternative dates excluding Saturdays and Sundays, except by mutual agreement, must be offered. A visiting team wishing to postpone a match may do so only if the home team agrees: if they do so agree then the home team must offer one alternative date to their opponents. In both cases the team responsible for postponing the match must advise the Match Secretary of the postponement within 24 hours of the original fixture date and the revised date when it is fixed. (Notification is not required when the alteration means that the match will be played earlier than the original fixture).
(b) All league matches must be played within the block of fixtures to which they were originally scheduled to be played i.e first half or second half of the season.
(c) Failure to comply with these rules will cause the defaulting team to lose the fixture, points being awarded in accordance with Rule 18(b).
(d) The home night of each team will be published in the handbook which will be on the Plymouth and District Table Tennis Club website, individual clubs wishing to change the Home night of any of their teams may apply to the Match Secretary for permission. If granted the club requesting the change, must inform all interested parties including the Website Manager and those teams likely to be affected.
All protests and appeals must be forwarded to the Match Secretary within 14 days of the match or within 7 days of any decision being announced by the Match Secretary.
(a) (i) Should a team not have 2 players present by the starting time of 7:30pm (or the agreed starting time) a fine for a late start shall be incurred. Should 2 players still not be present 30 mins after the agreed starting time then their opponents shall be entitled to claim the match and the team at fault shall be deemed to have failed to appear. The 3rd player is obliged to arrive in time to allow the match to continue i.e. by the end of the 7th set. No more than 5 minutes shall elapse between each set.
(ii) With the agreement of both teams, the starting time can be changed to an earlier convenient time.
(b) Matches shall be completed on the same day as commenced. If this is not possible due to circumstances beyond the control of either team e.g. power failure, then the match shall be deemed not to have started and shall have to be replayed.
(a) Match Ball: All matches shall be played with a 3 Star ITTF approved white or orange plastic ball.
(b) The Racket: The racket used must be authorised by the ITTF and without modification. The racket shall not be replaced during an individual match unless it is accidently damaged so badly that it cannot be used; if this happens the damaged racket shall be replaced immediately by another which the player has brought with them to the playing area or one which is handed to them in the playing area. Unless otherwise authorised by the umpire, players shall leave their rackets on the table during intervals, but if the racket is strapped to the hand, the umpire shall allow the player to retain their racket strapped to the hand during intervals.
The financial year ends on the 31st May and a statement of accounts for this year period which have been verified by an authorised independent person shall be published annually. Cheque payments must be signed by any two of the Treasurer and one of two approved Officers of the Club.
17. FEES
(i) The team fee shall be £60 per team in the Standard League and £40 per team in the Pairs League, of which a deposit of £15 must accompany any application to join the League Championships. This deposit is not refundable should a team withdraw after submitting its application.
(ii) It is understood that any increase in affiliation fees due to TTE may automatically be added to the current individual fee as and when the Plymouth and District Table Tennis Club is advised of any change.
(iii) The cost for a team to hire a table for their home league matches at HQ shall be £55 (reduced to £30 for season 2021/22 only) for the season, the cost for a team to hire a table at HQ for 1 league match shall be £7.50 (reduced to £5 for season 2021/22 only.
(iii) The above charges include a TTE Registration Fee for all League Players of £16 for Seniors and £8 for Juniors. At present TTE does not charge a Registration Fee for Associate Players.
(c) Individual registration fees shall be payable to the Treasurer not later than four weeks after the commencement of the League together with the balance outstanding of any team fees. Additional registrations made during the season shall be paid within four weeks immediately following the date of registration. It is understood that any increase in affiliation fees due to TTE or Devon County may automatically be added to the current individual fee as and when the Plymouth and District Table Tennis Club is advised of any change.
(d) Any individual club registered with TTE as a Premier Club will be given the option to pay their members own individual TTE affiliation fees (as shown in para 17b (iii) above) direct to the TTE. If this option is taken then the members of that Premier Club will have their individual registration fees to the Plymouth and District Table Tennis Club reduced by the standard TTE Senior/Junior affiliation fees. Each Premier Club is to provide a list of their players who are directly affiliated. Failure to affiliate to TTE will mean non registered players from that club being unable to play in the Plymouth League Championships.
(e) The Executive Committee has the power to increase fees after the commencement of any season should any unforeseen circumstance arise which could result in financial insecurity of the Plymouth and District Table Tennis Club.
(f) A player registered for an individual club may, subject to the Match Secretary’s permission transfer to another club and shall pay a fee of £5 to the Plymouth and District Table Tennis Club.
(g) All players registered with the Plymouth and District Table Tennis Club must make themselves aware of the laws of Table Tennis.
(h) A handbook shall be supplied gratis to each registered player requiring one on request or it can be printed themselves from the website.
(a) If an ineligible player participates in a match, their club shall be fined £3 and the procedure shall be as if the player had not put in an appearance.
(b) If a singles player of a team fails to appear at a match or fails to complete their singles sets in a match (unless due to injury or illness during the match) their side forfeits the match points concerned and will be fined £3 (THIS WILL BE SUSPENDED FOR SEASON 2022/23 ONLY, DUE TO COVID FEARS):if two or more singles players of a team fail to appear the match shall be declared void and adjudicated upon by the Executive Committee. The team offended against shall be awarded its fair expectation of points, the team offending shall receive no points and be fined £6 for each offence.
(c) A fine of £5 will be imposed on the offending team for failure to play a match within 14 days of the Sunday ending the original fixture week (see Rule 12). In addition all registered players of the offending team will be credited with zero points score for the match which will be included in the calculation for their personal averages.
(d) A fine of £3 will be imposed for each team in connection with any protest or appeal which shall be deemed frivolous (see Rule 13).
(e) A fine of £3 will be imposed for a 1st offence and £5 for any subsequent offence for each team in connection with:
(i) Late start (see Rule 14).
(ii) Late receipt of result card (see Rule 11).
(iii) The fine under Rule 18e(ii) shall be doubled if the result card is not received within 7 days (excluding Sundays) of the match being completed (excluding Sundays).
(f) Falsification of Match result cards and condoning of such action will result in either or both teams being fined the sum of £10.
(g) A fine of £3 will be incurred for failure to notify the Match Secretary or Assistant Match Secretary in accordance with rule 12.
(h) Any club not represented at the time the Chairperson declares a club meeting open (see constitution, paragraph 7) shall incur a fine of £5 for the first offence and £6 for subsequent offences.
(i) A fine of £10 will be incurred should any trophies won or awarded not being returned to the League by 31st March in the season following their presentation.
(j) Any team withdrawing from the League after the initial Governing Body meeting of the season will not only forfeit all fees paid but must also pay all outstanding fees and shall incur a fine of £5 for every match not played in its respective Division with the exception of Knock-out and Handicap Cup matches.
(k) A fine of £3 per team will be imposed if individual or team fees have not been fully paid by the due date specified by the Treasurer.
(l) All fines to be paid to the Treasurer 4 weeks following the imposition of the fine thereafter, unpaid fines shall be increased by an additional 100%.
(m) The Match Secretary or Assistant Match Secretary in consultation with the Exec Committee if required, will have the discretion to waive a fine should the fault be caused by, ill health, bereavement, serious traffic disruption or other extenuating circumstances.
19. MISC.
The Executive Committee shall have the power to suspend, fine or expel any team or member of the club whose conduct in their opinion is detrimental to the interest of the club. All Teams subscriptions and registration fees shall be forfeited to the club in such case.
(a) Any flagrant disregard of the rules may mean a fine, suspension or expulsion from the club.
(b) Any proposed alterations to a rule shall be submitted in writing to reach the General Secretary not later than 31st March. All proposals received shall be circulated to all team Secretaries by the last monthly fixture meeting of the season, after which date amendments to the proposals will be accepted for consideration by the Annual General Meeting provided they are submitted in writing and received by the General Secretary not later than 31st May. The proposer and/or seconder must be in attendance at the Annual General meeting to present alteration to rule.
(c) A player wishing to practice at Headquarters must be (or become) a registered member of the Plymouth and District Table Tennis Club or have prior permission of the Executive Committee. For all non-organised practice (i.e. not under the control of a steward) players’ names MUST be entered in the attendance registers BEFORE play commences. The appropriate fee must be forwarded to the treasurer within one month. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action being taken by the Executive Committee, which could incur suspension.
19 (d) Where a Team is based at HQ and have paid their Table Fees for the Season they can use their allocated home night for a practice if they do not have a match that week and if a free table is available. If they wish to play a friendly on their allocated home night and invite another team or players, each of those players must pay the appropriate match practice Fee. In the event that the table has already been allocated for a rescheduled match then the match will take precedence.
(a) The League will be known as the Plymouth & District Table Tennis Club Divisional Pairs League.
(b) The name of the league or any division can be changed following executive committee approval or if a sponsor should come forward and that name adopted to that league.
(c) Teams will comprise of two or more players and they must hold a valid table Tennis England players licence.
(d) The object of the Plymouth & district Table Tennis Pairs league shall be to conduct an annual competition between affiliated players that form 2 players teams. The League shall be open to all Plymouth & District affiliated clubs and members. Admission and re-admission to the pairs competition shall be at the discretion of the Committee.
(e) An annual entry fee and membership fee shall be charged for each team entered in the competition.
(f) The competition shall be conducted in one or more divisions based on the entries received at the start of the season.
(g) Where the numbers of pairs in each or any section justify, such sections shall be divided into divisions designated 1,2,3 etc or A,B, C etc in order of merit.
(h) The top team in each division shall hold for one year the championship trophy appropriate to that division.
(i) Teams shall be allocated a division at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
(j) Each pairs match consists of 5 matches in which all 5 sets shall be played. A match consists of 4 singles and 1 doubles match.
(k) FIXTURES AND FORMAT: The Pairs match secretary shall arrange the fixtures which may involve pairs playing 1,2 or 3 times. Matches should be played by the allotted date and played in the following format:-
(i) For each pairs match, the home team captain shall nominate players A or B.
(ii) The away team captain shall nominate X or Y.
(iii) The match will be played in the following order:-
(a) Match 1 A v X; Match 2 B v Y – maximum 5 minute break
(b) Match 3 A v Y; Match 4 B v X – maximum 5 minute break
(c) Match 5 Doubles AB or C v XY or Z
(iv) One 1 minute ‘time-out’ period can be used by a player at any point during their match. They must not leave the playing area but can liaise with team members during this time. The umpire will time the one minute ‘timeout’ and call players back to the table to resume the game.
(v) PDTTC has adopted the following ITTF rules on giving advice to players during matches:-
From the 1st October 2016 the new Regulation ( states “Players may receive advice at any time except during rallies provided that continuity of play is not affected (; if any authorised person gives advice illegally the umpire shall hold up a yellow card (or verbally) to warn them that any further such offence will result in their dismissal from the playing area.”
(i) A home team desiring to postpone a match shall be within their rights to do so providing that their opponents receive a clear 2 days notice. At least 3 alternative dates excluding Saturdays and Sundays, except by mutual agreement, must be offered.
(ii) A visiting team wishing to postpone a match may do so only if the home team agrees: if they do so agree then the home team must offer one alternative date to their opponents. In both cases the team responsible for postponing the match must advise the Match Secretary of the postponement within 24 hours of the original fixture date along with the revised date when it is fixed. (Notification is not required when the alteration means that the match will be played earlier than the original fixture).
(iii) All league matches in the first half of the season must be completed by the end of the first half of the season. All league matches in the second half of the season must be completed by the end of the second half of the season and before the cup finals week.
(iv) The match secretary must be informed of the team wishing to postpone the match in the event that an adjudication is required.
(v) All cup matches must be played within 14 days of the Sunday ending the original fixture week (subject to Rule 14(b) with the exception that ALL matches must be played by the Friday of the Cup Finals week and that cup matches must be played in the stipulated week.
(vi) Failure to comply with these rules will cause the defaulting team to lose the fixture, points being awarded in accordance with Rule 18(b).
(vii) The home night of each team will be published in the handbook and on the Plymouth and District Table Tennis Club website, individual clubs wishing to change the home night of any of their teams may apply to the Match Secretary for permission. If granted the club requesting the change must inform all interested parties including the Website Manager and those teams likely to be affected.
(m) Pairs will be awarded 1 point for each individual set won (i.e a home team winning 13-12, the home team will be awarded 13 points and the away team awarded 12 points).
(n) Should the championship or runners-up position end in a tie then the team gaining most points in the matches directly between the teams concerned shall gain the award. If still equal then a play-off shall be arranged at a venue decided by the Executive committee.
(o) Where a club has more than 1 team, a player of a lower ranking team (except those notified to the club secretary by the Pairs match secretary for disregarding rule 3a above) may play a total of 5 league matches for a higher ranking team, if a further match is played the player shall not be permitted to play again for the lower ranking team unless reinstatement is granted by the league. A player cannot play for a team other than their own in the same division if that player has a higher personal average than the player they wish to replace. Where the higher team has more than 3 registered players this shall be applied to the lowest averaged player of those not playing excluding temporary players.
Players competing in the Plymouth & District Divisional Pairs League can represent teams in the 3 man Plymouth & District League (with approval from the League Match and Assistant Match secretaries). Players competing in the Plymouth and District League can (at the discretion of the League Match and Assistant Match secretaries) replace or act as a reserve for a team in the Plymouth & District Divisional Pairs League.
(q) The match score sheets should be fully completed and sent electronically to the Pairs Match Secretary within 48 hours. A copy of the original scores must be kept by the Team Captain in the allocated score book which must be signed off by each team captain. Scores to be kept as a record until the final tables are produced on the website, in case information is required by the Committee if there is a disputed result.
(r) Players competing in the Divisional Pairs League will not be eligible to compete in the 3 player format handicap Cup competition.
(s) For League positions and any amendments to result please consult the website.
(t) Forfeits & Fines as laid down in Section 18 shall be apply to the Divisional Pairs League where applicable.
The Executive Committee will deal with any matters that are not covered by these rules.